Author Topic: BCDSM facebook  (Read 3309 times)

Offline Marke Bailey

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BCDSM facebook
« on: December 07, 2014, 02:37:59 pm »
New rules for the Facebook page have been posted.

You may discuss them here.

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Offline Bennji Favelle

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Re: BCDSM facebook
« Reply #1 on: January 04, 2015, 10:16:08 am »
Is there any way we can open up an option for those of us who want to buy/sell on craigslist?
Like a BCDSM Buy/Sell page?

I know it would be repetitive because we already have our "Parts Store" here.
But, we already have the "Meeting Room" here, so our CURRENT Facebook page with these new rules is equally as repetitive.

Or a page for BCDSM Members? Not something that is controlled and restricted.
Just a Facebook page where people can talk about stupid shit, and post up pictures that they don't care about being archived.
I feel like I get faster answers on facebook than I do here, hence why I don't bother asking questions here anymore.

I'm still a newb when it comes to DSM's, and I have 2 of them now. But blocking people from a Facebook community and forcing them to come here seems ridiculous. I don't know DSM's but I know sales. And what you are trying to sell (more people using the forums) is being gone about in the wrong way.

Offline Travis Koch

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Re: BCDSM facebook
« Reply #2 on: January 04, 2015, 11:18:12 am »
   There is divergence in the BCDSM community.
I have been a member for many years, before facebook was a thing.  Not everyone uses facebook contrary to popular belief.  I have avoided using it for many years and in doing so I didn't even know a facebook DSM page existed for a long time.  It was very difficult for me to actually get around to joining yet another group and now information (or sometimes non-information) is all split up and pertinent questions/answers that may help another member down the road are missed or overlooked. I don't know much about the archiving of facebook posts but from what I see finding old info is a test in patience.  Now, in the forum there is a different attitude about "rules".  It seems slow sometimes because everyone, I would assume, has other things to do.  On the other hand, there are those who don't post much because they are afraid of the all too common "use the search function" reply.  I like the search function but sometimes a redundant question can just be a refresher to a forgotten bit of info that you never would have thought about unless the question arose.  Besides, as time goes on the forum would never get any new posts because all questions could be answered by a search.  Shit, i'll bet there are members who do nothing but troll around and never contribute any info or questions.  Then there are the old timers who don't contribute anymore because their cars are finished and don't "need" to ask questions anymore.  Also, I found that there are members in the facebook page that I have never even heard of...... I remember one guy from a recent FB post said "I'm out, good luck to you guys"..... All I could think was "who the fuck was that?"
 So, anyhow, look at it like this..... BCDSM is meant to be a car club, most car clubs meet up once a month or every couple of months just to shoot the shit and catch up.  This is an unorganized club and with no physical meetings, the forum is the 1 place we can "get together" on a semi-regular basis.  Contribute, don't contribute, it doesn't really matter.  What does matter is that half the members don't show up at A&W while the other half show up at Boston Pizza, if you get my drift.  haha, speaking of drift..... I'm going to play in the snow.
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Offline Brett Haviland

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Re: BCDSM facebook
« Reply #3 on: January 04, 2015, 11:21:46 am »
If you wanna sell your parts, and have them globally advertised. Go on craigslist.  If you wanna sell to the BCDSM community. Go on the BCDSM parts section.

Facebook IS convienient.  it sends notifications quickly for any updates that happen on the facebook bcdsm page any time something is posted.  Everytime a post is made its sent directly to my phone.  That way for example if there is a meet going on, and people need to communicate fast and get updates etc, the facebook page works perfectly for that.  What it does not do a good job of is keeping things organized, readily searchable (cant search a facebook group posts off google, but you CAN on the forum).  That is why me and marke and tony want to try and keep ALL technical questions and posts on the forum.  Facebook is just not optimal for storing that info, keeping it organized, and making it readily available and searchable.

I know for a quick reply facebook is great, but it just doesn't cut it when it comes to the other points I just mentioned.

I don't mind people posting up pics or whatever of the new parts, or the new DSM they just bought and want to share on the facebook page, but then again I would love to have more traffic on the page as well!  I am in the process right now of updating the BCDSM forums to a new version, allowing picture uploads, and possibly a drag and drop option (instead of the old school [img]  tags you need top use in order to post a pic.  Until that gets all put into place and working properly I just ask everyone to bare with us and understand we are trying to do the best for the club, and also the forum, and all its technical info that is stored on there.

obviously the BCDSM facebook page was unmoderated for some time, a lot of people got used to being able to whatever they wanted on there, and unfortunalty a lot of good info is pretty much unable to be referenced and viewed.  I know some people just don't like it... and they want to be able to post up whatever they want on there... but if they wanna do that, then just post it on your own facebook page as "status" update.  Al your friends, and other bcdsm members who choose to get updates will see it.

The main reason why we started moderating and closed the facebook group to whoever wanted to post was because we had issues with people advertising products/ or raffle items that were supposedly for "charity" and false info was being put up, and they money did not end up going to where it was supposed to.  several BCDSM members got fucked over and there was NO way to moderate it and kick those people off and keep them from taking advantage of the club.

I am always willing to take everyones opinions and suggestions to make this club better, more active and have a wealth of info for everyone to be able to search and find easily (on the forum, and on google).  

Im sorry if some people are upset, but hopfully by reading this you can more understand why the current changes to the facebook page have been made.  Thanks guys.

Any questions you can also contact me directly as well by email.  (but I guess email might also be too inconvenient and "too old school" for some other people)  you can also message me on facebook also for those people as well!  

Thanks guys! :)
« Last Edit: January 04, 2015, 11:27:53 am by Brett Haviland »
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Offline Loré Arens

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Re: BCDSM facebook
« Reply #4 on: January 04, 2015, 06:48:30 pm »
1999 Silver American GS-T Eclipse